This is my third post of the day. Apparently I have some energy to spare today since I have already written two posts over 600 words each, and now I’m coming back for more. If I’ve got the energy, why not.

I’ve been thinking a little bit about this blog as a broader writing project. I don’t know if it will turn into a series of essays, or short stories, or a novel, or what. It may just stay as freewritten and unvarnished as it is for all I know at this point. I’m not invested in any particular scheme or goal at this point. My only plan is to keep writing.

That being said, it wouldn’t hurt to give some forethought to what I am writing. So far what I have done in terms of pre-planning is to write down the categories I am going to be touching on before I begin to write. But these categories are extremely broad, probably making for kind of jumbled writing within each category. The writing category, for instance, already has 70 posts attributed to it, none of which were planned to lead from one to another. If I were to print out all 70 of those posts I would probably still have a jumble of ideas.

It may help at some point to write an outline for where I want to go with my writing. This wouldn’t necessarily spoil the spontaneous nature of the blog, but it would add some consistency in the writing between blog posts. If I could maintain the same sort of freewritten spontaneity from post to post, why shouldn’t I try to create some sort of meta-organization?

Meta-organization? What the fuck is that. I guess I mean some sort of structural plan or outline. Listen to me with the snooty language, meta-organization.

Ah well, moving on.

Freewriting does not necessarily mean I need to write only what comes off the top of my head. In fact, I really should employ the looping strategy I wrote about way back in this blog. In fact, this post is really a loop on what I wrote two posts ago. If I can settle on some kind of an outline I should be able to develop some ideas more rapidly and consistently.

I like the idea of writing three posts in one day, but it is probably not a sustainable way for me to approach this entire project. The 500-words-a-day minimum is a much more sustainable goal. Hit is an quit it I always say.

This all being said, I could use the same sort of strategy for getting my practice routine up and running again. I can start with just 30 minutes a day of practice and see where it goes from there. One of my problems with starting a practice routine is that I become too ambitious and freak myself out, not attaining many of my goals because I become overwhelmed by it all. Four hours a day of practice is something I need to work my way up to; I can’t just plan for it and hit the road cold. Any car that starts out doesn’t do so at 70 MPH - it has to accelerate to get up to that speed, passing through several gears. Like the accelerating car, I need to start off slow and smoothly change gears until I am at some sort of cruising speed. And even then, maybe I want to take the 40 MPH back roads to get where I’m going.

Something to think about.