I went out to my car this morning and found that it had been booted for non-payment of fines. I knew I’d been on thin ice for a while. One of the other issues, aside from the $1500 in parking tickets I owe, is that I think the registration is lapsed due to the same issue. The fact is, Springfield is very quick to give tickets, and I have a terrible habit of not paying them.

So the fucking car has one of those boots on it, and unless I can pay all the outstanding tickets today - I can’t - the car will be towed tomorrow morning. At that point I’ll also owe for the tow and for any storage of the vehicle. On top of that I need to get my yearly parking permit.

I’m really fucked just now.

I should spend this energy somehow, punching a bag or complaining about my neighbor. The neighbor has become kind of a sport, she is so easy to complain about. Everything about her is loud and out loud, permeating everyone’s space. As I’ve written before, I wish I didn’t know as much about this woman’s life as I do, but I just can’t escape the drama. The walls in this apartment are very thin, and she has an awful habit of starting conflicts with people in the common areas of the building. I don’t know why she doesn’t bug me more than it does - I really could work up a bad mood over this doofus, but all I do is complain a bit to let off steam. In the end, I don’t really give a fuck.