I am a really lazy writer. When I put together blog posts I tend not to think about them. I have been writing a Wordpress blog as well as this freewriting blog, and I have noticed that I don’t put any more thought into that blog than I do for this one. This blog is meant to be about freewriting, so I don’t want to have to think about it too much. The Wordpress blog should at least express something.

Here’s what I habitually do with the Wordpress blog: I find something interesting on YouTube, paste it into a post, write a short paragraph, find an accompanying image, and publish the whole mess. I need to put more effort into that blog; at the very least I should do a Google search to find other sources to back up my humble thoughts.

One nice thing about a blog is that you can always go back and edit a post.

I’m a bit numb in the head right now. Let me do something else and come back to this post later.

Here I am, a bit later. Let me write a bit about coding and then post this so-called essay (?!). I am currently working on a NodeJS YouTube Tutorial that incorporates PassportJS authentication. Why don’t I try to break it down a bit.

  • So far I have been fleshing out the NodeJS back-end, and I haven’t gotten to the use of PassportJS.

Actually, there is not much to break down, is there? I don’t know why, but I’ve been feeling intellectually lazy lately. Let me just post this as is and move on.

Just shy of 300 words. Damn.