I feel like continuing with the writing, so here I go. I think I was beginning to speculate as to what a Sun Ra listening journal would look like. It would be cool if I could include at least one image and one embedded sound file with each post. This is easy enough with WordPress. I’m just not sure how much space there is for website resources like images and sound files. They do tend to be large files.

In fact, if I am going to include images of albums I could begin collecting them now. I know in my dissertation folders I have a bunch of images that could be useful. In fact, I think I divided the images into separate files for Fela and for Sun Ra. I know I have a bunch of Fela album covers because I included some in the diss. I’m not sure about Sun Ra album covers.

I can also search for lyrics to see if I can save some time doing my own transcriptions. I have some stuff transcribed, including, I think, the entire “Space Chant” lyric from the Live in London album. The lyrics by themselves could be entire blog posts.

In fact, now I’m looking forward to the next phase of writing. Let me stay with the freewriting blog for a while longer, increasing my output, and then sometime this Summer I’ll begin with the listening journal. If I am going to stick to the two or more posts per day model, then maybe one could be a listening journal entry while another could be commentary on the news.

Ultimately, I should shoot for something like 500 words-per-day, but for now I’ll use the leisurely 300 mark. 500 words is still modest, but over time it really adds up to something substantial. In fact, I really should be writing on a word processor so I can use the word count function more regularly. I like measurable goals.

Let me keep going so I can see what 500 words looks and feels like (I’m using a word processor now). If it is not that much I could probably use it as the length goal for my daily posts. Today, for instance, I have produced three posts, including this one, that have between 250 and 500 words. This post will be the longest of the three.

The pulamusic WordPress site really needs to be worked on. I’m still not satisfied with the look of the blog. I think the kente cloth is too much. I think I need to include my photo as well.

I wonder how hackable WordPress really is. It would be nice if I could manipulate the HTML and CSS directly – at least for the front page and the about page. In fact, ultimately it would be nice to also host a static website – my primary GitHub pages site, for instance – that could be featured in a portfolio page on the pulamusic blog. That’s the site I can use to really show off my coding skills.

500 words.