damn I wish these headings would work

I have officially done fuck all this afternoon. The one coding tutorial I tried is really poorly organized. At least from my perspective it is. I played the guitar for a bit, Elizabeth Cotton’s Freight Train, but I didn’t really click with it. I don’t know why such a shit-simple song should be as difficult to play well, but after all these years I still fumble through it.

So, not getting anything else done of any consequence I thought I might write for a bit. I have to say that most days I look forward to writing some. I have never before been able to satisfy myself with daily writing, writing instead in bursts. But the bursts are exhausting, while this daily habitual writing is actually quite easy. I have been blogging for just over a month and I probably have 20 full pages of text. I know I am focusing on freewriting just now, but imagine this kind of ease with writing while producing something that is focused.

In fact, that’s it. I need to do a close listening to Sun Ra’s music anyway. Why not use a blog in order to produce a collection of notes. This is my next project, though. I want to continue with the freewriting for a while longer. I don’t know how long, but my goal is to shoot for something like one blog post every day for a year. Freewriting is loosening up my writing, but at some point I will need to switch to a more focused blogging style.