I like early mornings

This was one of my favorite things during graduate school: to get up early in order to read. And when I say read I include writing notes and annotations. Writing, for me, is all about reading. At least the academically substantive writing is very connected to reading. This freewriting stuff isn’t.

Anyway, I like early mornings. I like the idea that most people are asleep while I’m starting my work. I love the fresh-brain-in-the-morning feeling, making it easier to find some sense of flow with my work.

This morning is not one of those productive mornings, though. I keep spacing out at the keyboard, thinking about the jobs at Berklee I just applied to. I think I have a good shot at the music history position, as long as it’s not an inside-hire type of job advertisement. You know, when they legally have to advertise a job even though they already have someone in place. That happened to me last year with a job I interviewed for at SIT. That’s one of those job applications that ended up hurting me because I wanted it. As I said in a previous post, I can’t afford to care too much about these jobs I apply for because most often nothing comes of them.

That said, I really want either of these jobs at Berklee. Any kind of teaching employment at Berklee would be incredible.

No. Must stop. Must…stop….