you ever get a pimple on the inside of your nose?

I know, it’s gross, but it’s bugging me right now. My nose is very sore because I have a large pimple on the inside of my right nostril. My nose is throbbing, and there’s nothing to do but chomp some Advil and try to ignore it. The thing can’t be popped, so I just have to wait it out.

I don’t even know how I got on this subject. I suppose when I was sitting down to write it was the first thing that came to me. Freewriting is supposed to be absolutely free, but my wish is for a more directed approach. Depthful writing, for me, has always come from a response to reading. In other words, it isn’t enough to sit and write in volume if you don’t have anything in particular to say.

That being said, my purpose with this blog is to simply improve my freewriting. How about this. Before I begin to write I need to at least brainstorm a proper theme. Today’s bit of writing started off in an obscure, juvenile manner. In the end, I am hoping to improve my academic writing, so snarky bullshit is not helpful.

Ultimately, though, I should be freewriting on paper. I am much faster and more comfortable with paper. Perhaps this blog is meant to help me learn to freewrite on the computer. The computer is where my writing chokes up and becomes halting. Even with this freewriting exercise I have stopped a couple of times to change the direction of a sentence. Really, the idea is to not stop.

In any event, I am far from the place where I even want to edit these posts. For now it’s all about the flow.