posting every day

I am going to write a post every day for a while to see what happens. My only sense of trepidation is if someone should stumble upon this blog they might think my writing is all fucked up. I’m freewriting just to get words on screen. The idea is that with practice one’s frewriting will become more focused and sustained. That’s the idea at least.

I’ve never been good at blasting out a bunch of writing on a regular basis. I have the horrible habit of writing sentence by sentence, not paying any attention to the flow of the language. Freewriting should help me break the habit. There’s nothing worse…strike that, I hate that fucking cliche. Let me re-phrase: I don’t particularly enjoy formulaic or stilted writing. It feels like long fingernails on a chalkboard.

For now as I move along I am going to post only unedited text. As I go along I’ll rewrite and edit some pieces and probably trash others. Again, the idea is to produce a high volume of writing, paying little attention to the quality. I want to be able to fully separate writing from editing. I hate this thing I do where I edit as I go. It’s very inefficient.

Anyway, I just took a break to eat. Lost my train of thought. I guess that’s it then.