I have found a way to embed PowerPoint presentations online using Google Docs. When I open a presentation to view one of the extra options is the embed code. Let me test out whether this will work in Markdown.

Yes! it works very well. This may be one of the best ways to share my teaching materials. I will need to re-write the presentations, though, since the embedded videos don’t work in the embedded version of these presentations. Something to work on.

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I finally figured out that I can use HTML tags to include images as well. In fact, this helps to explain how I can better structure my bog posts when I find that Markdown is not cutting it. I need to keep in mind that Markdown is an HTML preprocessor, so including HTML elements in a Markdown post will work well.

The next step is to figure out how to create a gallery of photos. In fact, since Jekyll accepts full HTML pages - with the Markdown front matter, of course - I could easily create whatever I want.

Jekyll is still teaching me quite a bit. Among my next steps with Jekyll will be to study the Ruby programming language. Jekyll seems to use Ruby as its base code, with Markdown simply being the primary language for writing. A basic understanding of Ruby should help me to be able to build out these pages, possibly adding things like background images and further navigation. I do like the simplicity of the Jekyll site, but something about it is too simple for a public website. I know that I am writing this blog only for myself, but it would be nice if it was more presentable in case someone stumbles onto it. A Google search for Markdown, for instance, may lead someone to my post on Markdown. As this blog is just a collection of freewritten “essays” it probably looks like a mess to an outside observer.