This is another blog post. I don’t have any particular reason to write, other than the desire to write every day. Right now I’m writing in order to procrastinate. I should be working on my Powerpoint presentation for my class tomorrow, but here I am.

So far Jekyll seems to be an excellent blog-site generator. The blog is dead simple. The only downside I see so far is that I’ll need to brush up on Sass in order to do any styling. I was able to change the background color to the site, but I can’t say I understand Sass at all.

Like I said, I don’t really have anything to say in particular. Currently I’m just freewriting. Maybe I should follow my own recommendation and do some focused freewriting.

Nah, just fuck around. I’m not in the mood to get into anything deep. Maybe later.

And just for the practice, why don’t I include a link to a random Wikipedia page as well as a relative link to a previous blog post.