I need to do laundry today. I did some last weekend, but I didn’t clean most of my clothes.

I have been playing around with Google’s Web Starter Kit. Fun stuff. The example page is a bit much - a lot going on - but this thing is really not for a personal website - more like business websites. Interesting to play with though.

I’m trying to force myself to write just now. This may not be the best way to write, but I feel like I need to get better at writing on command. One of the things that bugs me the most about my own writing is that I tend to go with inspiration rather than craft. This writing blog is about improving several aspects of my writing craft, especially freewriting. In fact, maybe I should be looking beyond freewriting to…I don’t know what. Time to get out the books on writing.

I especially need to find the book on how to turn a dissertation into a book manuscript. I just need to pump out a book proposal and move forward with the MS. The longer this thing sits idle the longer my career will be on hold. I really should have sent out a proposal a few years ago now. I can’t believe it’s been four years since I defended my diss. Time has flown, for sure.