I got up at 3:00 am and drove from Massachusetts to Maryland, arriving just before 10:30. I stopped once for a bathroom break and gas. Zanaya slept most of the way, and she is sleeping still after we have arrived. Tomorrow Zanaya is off to camp, and I may drive all the way back to MA in order to go to Don Geesling’s cookout. Let me see if I can rest up a bit so I may have the energy to do it.

Otherwise, let me do my writing for today. I didn’t write at all yesterday, and I wrote fewer than 300 words the day before. Time to pick it up again. Now that I have produced more than 110 posts, though, I don’t feel I need to pressure myself to write every day. It would be best if I did, but nothing will fall apart if I don’t.

After writing this post I think I will spend some time reading through my blog posts, looking for the gems that I might revise. Again, I don’t really know if there are any gems, but you never know. If there is nothing I think worth revising, then I definitely will need to reevaluate what I am doing with this blog. The blog so far is mostly directionless freewriting, but you never know, there could be something substantial lurking under the surface. The trick will be to recognize what I have created and copy and paste it into a Word document. Then I can print it out and go at it with my pencil.

I suspect that there is something to revise in my multiple statements about writing. I know I have been repetitive, but even the repetition might reveal some different direction I might follow. I wrote a couple of posts, for example, on the freewriting practice of looping: freewriting on a subject followed by more freewriting on one aspect or theme of the first bit of writing. Repeat as many times as you like. I could expand on this - probably by looping - and find other similar strategies for getting words down on the screen. If I expand on writing technique I should do a thorough literature search for writing materials and begin working up a bibliography on writing.

Or - and I’m just spitballing - I could work on something having to do with both writing and musical practice. I would like to be able to use this writing practice to bring me closer to a conscious and conscientious musical practice. Since writing, in general, is about trying to decide what I think about a particular subject, writing about my musical practice should help me to hone my ideas and point out new paths of discovery. Perhaps something like a journal of my working through Schoenberg’s Theory of Harmony, or an ear training journal. Who knows what I may be able to pull out of the hat.

Let me work on re-reading my blog posts and see where that leads me.