I started this file at about noon, but I haven’t begun to write until after 9:00 PM. I did mean to get to this sooner.

So I assume my car was towed away. I’ve had a sick feeling in my stomach all day knowing that it will be towed, and therefore be much more expensive. I’m beginning to wonder if I borrowed enough money. In order to pay off the tickets and everything else I had to borrow money against my retirement fund. I’m waiting for the money to be transferred to my bank account, and the longer I have to wait the more expensive it will be. My hope is that the money shows up tomorrow. If it doesn’t show up by Friday, then the car will be in storage over the weekend, costing that much more.

Just as a tangent, I have found that my ability to write on a computer without editing has greatly improved. I simply need to make sure that this kind of free-flowing style can carry over to my academic writing.

But back to the car. I’m on a financial edge as it is, and now this bullshit with the car. I’ll be lucky if I can pay my rent this month, let alone buy sufficient food for myself and the kid. This has got me anxious as hell.

Ah, fuck it. I can’t think straight.