Zanaya came home when Valerie offered to take her out for food. It figures food would be the palliative. Food always makes the kid relax. It’s amazing that you can see her in a rotten mood, but just a few bites of food will turn her around almost instantly. This would be concerning if she was overweight, but this isn’t the case. Food just brings her some comfort. Now I just need to figure out how to get her to go back to school tomorrow.

Back to thinking about my writing. I have started to also post on the pulamusic blog. In fact, WordPress makes it very easy to grab a news story or YouTube video. Much simpler than using Jekyll for blogging, although I have other reasons for using Jekyll like learning to work with static site generators, GitHub pages, and Markdown. In fact, in order to style the Jekyll site I am going to need to learn Sass. I was able to change the background color by editing the compiled CSS file, but most of the styling for the site remains inaccessible to me because I don’t understand Sass. Another coding project.

Between the two blogs I am now putting out a fair amount of material. The WordPress site is particularly good at helping me to comment on music and on the news. This Jekyll site keeps me focused on the text, allowing me to spread out my writing a bit. The two blogs really complement each other. In fact, I think they will both help me to improve my writing, albeit in different ways. I am still committed to freewriting with this blog, but with the pulamusic blog I will edit my posts to produce some better quality writing. In fact, at some point I should re-write some of the freewritten posts and publish them on That ought to make for some interesting reading.

The other thing I could do is to maintain them as separate entities. In fact, that is the way I am doing it now. I have been able to maintain a regular schedule of writing for a short while now. The trick is going to be making sure that I maintain my writing momentum. Baraka said it best: the thing that made him a writer was the daily habit of writing. Even if my daily habit can seem trivial, I do feel the difference in my writing as a result of maintaining this blog. It’s been just a short time, but I am now much better able to hit my word-count mark with ease. I am only now and then struggling to find something to write about…mostly because I write about writing. That and life in general. No shortage of thoughts there.

At some point I would like to produce more thematically related freewriting - more than just writing about writing and coding and life, it would be useful to maintain an idea across multiple posts.

There we go. Now I’ve hit on something. Let me check out the writing books and see if I can devise a strategy for moving toward a more sustained aesthetic. While I am enjoying the no-pressure attitude of this blog, at some point I need to tighten it up.

Sun Ra