I have been working on a project 1 for EdX’s CS50: Web Development Using Python and JavaScript, and I am badly stuck. I can get the login and registration pages to show, but I can’t actually register or login. I just posted a question on Discord to see if I can get some help. We’ll see if anyone bites. I included a link to a Github Gist of my application.py file, so I’m hoping someone can give me some substantive help.

I haven’t written for this blog for a while - the last post was more than a month ago. I really should keep up with it. I find writing for this blog to be cathartic.

I have been stretching myself with this latest EdX course, learning Python web development. It has been quite useful, though I am a bit frustrated with it at the moment. In any event, I have been learning the Flask web development library for Python, and I can see the real strengths of this approach to development. One little area of concern, though, is that in the few weeks I have been learning Flask, they have released a new version and completely redone their website and documentation; some of the stuff I have been learning is, as a consequence, archaic. It’s a minor issue of concern, though.

I don’t have the energy to continue on with this post for the full 500 words I usually shoot for. Let me end it here (a little less than 300 words) and simply move on with my day, such that it is.