Some days I enjoy coding: I learn something new and have an “aha!” moment. Other days it feels like pulling teeth. Today is one of those days. Simple jQuery is easy to understand, but more advanced jQuery is nasty, and not in a good way. I have to admit that I am completely lost in the current jQuery tutorial I am working on. Very frustrating indeed.

Let me move on to another topic, since clearly I need a break from coding. The asshole former neighbor is back in the neighborhood, hanging out with people across the street. The only difference now is that I don’t need to hear her so clearly. It used to be right on the steps outside my window, blabbering on and smoking and fighting with her friends and generally making herself a nuisance to all the rest of the neighborhood. Interestingly, when it came time for her to move out her mom helped her to store her things, but then sent her off to live in a homeless shelter. Even her mom can’t stand to have her around.

Now let me move off this topic; I guess I’m in a pissy mood today. In fact, I’m not really in the mood to write, but let me at least write something. One of my goals with this blog, after all, is to write something every day. Let’s see if I can at least make my 500 word minimum.

…ah fuck it. This post will have to do.