These algorithms are from a course titled Learning Algorithms in JavaScript From Scratch. Each algorithm is assigned a separate folder, index.html file, and main.js file. (I have also, now, copied all the code to files and linked them on this page.) Here is a list of the algorithms in order:

  1. FizzBuzz
  2. Harmless Ransom Note
  3. Is Palindrome
  4. Caesar Cipher
  5. Reverse Words
  6. Reverse Array in Place
  7. Mean Median Mode
  8. Two Sum
  9. Binary Search
  10. Fibonacci
  11. Memoized Fibonacci
  12. Sieve of Eratosthenes
  13. Bubble Sort
  14. Merge Sort
  15. Max Stock Profit

In addition, here is another algorithm, not from the Udemy tutorial:

  1. Longest Word

I know I have more algorithms like this last one; I just haven’t written them up as of yet.

The idea in learning these JavaScript algorithms is to learn how to better problem solve with code. Many of these particular algorithms are used in coding job interviews as a means of sorting out how applicants problem-solve.

Also check out my notes on the Udemy course JavaScript Interview Prep on my freewriting blog as well as in their own GitHub repository.

Notes are in the .js files. Index.html files are only created for console output. I will eventually transfer all these algorithms to files (done), embedding them in the index.html files for convenience sake (done).