Here are some notes I wrote for a freeCodeCamp tutorial on the use of HelmetJS and BCrypt as tools for ensuring website security. The same notes, along with the code, can be found in this GitHub repository.

Free Code Camp - Applied InfoSec Challenges


See the app.js file from this repo for the implementation of these various HelmetJS modules

Notes on the freeCodeCamp curriculum on information security with HelmetJS:

  1. Intro to information security with HelmetJS
  2. Install and Require Helmet: npm install helmet --save
  3. PassedHide Potentially Dangerous Information Using helmet.hidePoweredBy()
  4. PassedMitigate the Risk of Clickjacking with helmet.frameguard()
  5. PassedMitigate the Risk of Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks with helmet.xssFilter()
  6. PassedAvoid Inferring the Response MIME Type with helmet.noSniff()
  7. Not PassedPrevent IE from Opening Untrusted HTML with helmet.ieNoOpen()
  8. Not PassedAsk Browsers to Access Your Site via HTTPS Only with helmet.hsts().
  9. Not PassedDisable DNS Prefetching with helmet.dnsPrefetchControl()
  10. Not PassedDisable Client-Side Caching with helmet.noCache()
  11. Not PassedSet a Content Security Policy with helmet.contentSecurityPolicy()
  12. Not PassedConfigure Helmet Using the ‘parent’ helmet() Middleware
  13. Not PassedUnderstand BCrypt Hashes
  14. Not PassedHash and Compare Passwords Asynchronously
  15. Not PassedHash and Compare Passwords Synchronously

Other notes on HelmetJS and general website security:

  directives: {
    defaultSrc: ["'self'"],
    scriptSrc: ["'self'", ""]
  • Important: According to the freeCodeCamp explanation of number 12 above, all of the HelmetJS modules except for noCache() and contentSecurityPolicy() are included with the use of the parent helmet() module. They are each demonstrated in the tutorial just for thorough understanding.

BCrypt challenges

For some strange reason, freeCodeCamp has included a discussion of the BCrypt npm plugin within its larger discussion of HelmetJS. Check out my separate Glitch repository notes on BCrypt.

  • Pay particular attention to the code in the server.js file. In fact, this stuff is important. Let me copy the code below.
'use strict';
const express     = require('express');
const bodyParser  = require('body-parser');
const fccTesting  = require('./freeCodeCamp/fcctesting.js');
const app         = express();

fccTesting(app); //For FCC testing purposes

const bcrypt = require("bcrypt")
const saltRounds = 12;
const myPlaintextPassword = 'sUperpassw0rd!';
const someOtherPlaintextPassword = 'pass123';

bcrypt.hash(myPlaintextPassword, saltRounds, (err, hash) => {
  console.log(hash), hash, (err, res) => {

app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, () => {});