I’ve been working on some coding projects with the Codecademy JavaScript tutorial. I thought I might post a few of them just to show off a bit.

Library Catalog: This first example is a very rudimentary library cataloguing system. I need to do a lot of work on it, but so far it produces a very rudimentary output on three different media types. In fact, one of the first things I want to add to the paren class Media is a parameter for entering media type.

School Database: This second example is slightly more developed than the first, but it offers a rudimentary database of schools in a school district along with some data about each school. I want to develop a user interface for this one so the output is not so clunky. In fact, I should learn how to develop user interfaces in general.

Meal Planner: This one outputs a randomized meal and calculates the price. I would like to create a user interface where one can choose the meal and have the program calculate the subtotal, tax, and total. I like the randomized part of this, although it is not very practical. In fact, the who app is not practical, but what do you expect from a coding novice.

Reverse Text: This is a simple JavaScript program that takes in a text and outputs the same text in reverse. Just messing around with code. In fact, I think this was one of the first basic algorithms in the FreeCodeCamp curriculum.

Team Statistics: This one needs a lot of work. It is a basic database of team stats (I chose to enter guitar players rather than sports figures). I don’t like the output so far, but, as I said, this one needs a lot of work.