I’m trying out a new coding platform: repl.it. This seems like it will be a simpler way to test out JavaScript and other languages as I write with them. I have embedded a short example below to see if it will work. Let me just post this as is and then write more later.

And now it is later…well, ten minutes later. The embed worked really well, so now I feel like I can write a full post. Repl.it seems like it will be a useful resource. In addition to JavaScript, I can use it to test out Ruby, HTML, CSS, Python, and a number of other languages. This is a much more useful way to test code rather than using a browser console. It will be interesting to see how it works with HTML and CSS.

I struggled quite a bit today with one of the Codecademy projects, and I found repl.it when I asked for some help and the helper used repl.it to show me part of an answer. Below is the code I have been working on so far. Bear in mind that it still doesn’t work.

const menu = {
_courses: {
  _appetizers: [],
  _mains: [],
  _desserts: [],

  set appetizers(appetizerIn) {


  get appetizers() {


  set mains(mainIn) {


  get mains() {


  set desserts(dessertIn) {


  get desserts() {


get courses() {
  return {
    appetizers: this._courses.appetizers,
    mains: this._courses.mains,
    desserts: this._courses.desserts

addDishToCourse(courseName, dishName, dishPrice) {
const dish = {




getRandomDishFromCourse(courseName) {
  const dishes = this._courses[courseName];
  const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * dishes.length);

generateRandomMeal: function() {
const appetizer = this.getRandomDishFromCourse('appetizers');
const mains = this.getRandomDishFromCourse('mains');
const desserts = this.getRandomDishFromCourse('desserts');
const totalPrice = appetizer.price + mains.price + desserts.price;

return `Your meal is ${appetizer.name}, ${main.name}, ${dessert.name}. The price is $${totalPrice}.`



menu.addDishToCourse('appetizers', 'Caesar Salad', 4.25);
menu.addDishToCourse('appetizers', 'Chicken Fingers', 5.49);
menu.addDishToCourse('appetizers', 'Nachos', 4.99);
menu.addDishToCourse('appetizers', 'Chicken Wings', 5.99);

menu.addDishToCourse('mains', 'Steak Tips', 12.25);
menu.addDishToCourse('mains', 'Roasted Chicken', 10.99);
menu.addDishToCourse('mains', 'Shrimp Scampi', 13.99);
menu.addDishToCourse('mains', 'Blue Cheese Burger', 9.99);

menu.addDishToCourse('desserts', 'Red Velvet Cake', 4.99);
menu.addDishToCourse('desserts', 'Tiramisu', 3.99);
menu.addDishToCourse('desserts', 'Gelatto', 3.99);
menu.addDishToCourse('desserts', 'Irish Coffee', 4.99);

let meal = menu.generateRandomMeal();

The error message notes that there is a problem with the way I am using .push(), though I can’t yet figure out what the problem is. I’ll work on it by myself for a while longer before I ask for further help. Maybe at this point I can review some of the questions and answers people have posted online. I’m not in danger of just lifting the entire answer from someone else’s work.

I’m going to write a bit more because I want to reach my 500 word minimum, but I don’t have anything else to say at the moment. I need to be strict with myself every time I post on this blog because I’m striving to improve my writing. My writing only improves by doing it.

Reached my minimum. Of course, this also includes the code I pasted into this post, but I did write the code anyway.