I recently found the great site goodreads.com, and I have been adding my reading lists to it. I was able to dig out the bibliography of the first two semesters of the Major Works in Afro-American Studies course for the 2004-05 academic year. I’ll have to poke around to see if I have the third semester’s syllabus somewhere. One reading project for the future would be to re-read all the books on the list and blog about them. That would be a big project indeed.

Other than that, I have been working some more on coding in Python, especially using the Django framework. I’m in the middle of the Mozilla tutorial on Django, creating a small library site. This is a much more accessible back-end approach than Node and its frameworks - at least that’s my experience. I’ve been able to follow along, for the most part; I have not been able to implement one of the features so far.

Oh fuck it, I don’t have the energy to write today. Let me just post this.