I have posted this info on my freewriting blog, but I thought I might put it here as well. Please pardon the copy-and-paste laziness involved in doing this, but the original post represents quite a bit of work.
Here is another list of JavaScript algorithms I have coded out on Repl.it, all taken from the freeCodeCamp curriculum. Each of these algorithms is a discrete problem that can be solved in a number of ways using any of a number of programming languages. In my case, I have put a bunch of effort into learning JavaScript since it is the so-called “language of the internet.” At some point it may be worth my while to re-do these algorithms in either Python or C - they really aren’t specific to any one language.
In any event, here they are to look at, consider, re-factor, and re-do. Almost all of the algorithm files include a detailed description of the requirements, and this is why I haven’t written a description of each algorithm in this blog post.
Basic Algorithms
- Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Reverse a String
- Factorialize a Number
- Find the Longest Word in a String
- Return Largest Numbers in Arrays
- Confirm the Ending
- Repeat a String Repeat a String
- Truncate a String
- Finders Keepers
- Boo who
- Title Case a Sentence
- Slice and Splice
- Falsy Bouncer
- Where do I Belong
- Mutations
- Chunky Monkey
Intermediate Algorithms
- Sum All Numbers in a Range
- Diff Two Arrays
- Seek and Destroy
- Wherefore art thou
- Spinal Tap Case
- Pig Latin
- Search and Replace
- DNA Pairing
- Missing letters
- Sorted Union
- Convert HTML Entities
- Sum All Odd Fibonacci Numbers
- Sum All Primes
- Smallest Common Multiple
- Drop it
- Steamroller
- Binary Agents
- Everything Be True
- Arguments Optional
- Make a Person
- Map the Debris